Business English C1 (Winf) - SoSe 25
Welcome to your Business English course in the summer semester 2024!
Your teachers: Barry Hawthorne (hawthorne@fsz.fra-uas) and James Slawney ( -
Our course book: Advanced Market Leader C1 (3rd edition)
Authors: Iwonna Dubicka & Margaret O'Keeffe
Publisher: Pearson
Sprachtest Englisch
Geöffnet: Dienstag, 1. April 2025, 00:00Schließt: Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2025, 23:59
Breakout Group Work for Unit 2 on April 30th.
You will be broken down into groups.
Your reference material is on campUAS and includes a scan of pages 20 and 21 of the Student Book, CD audio tracks 1.14 - 1.17 and case study commentary video for Unit 2.
As a group you need to come up with some solutions for a large multinational that is looking for a fast and efficient way of training its staff based in different locations around the world.
Your goal is to write up a text as a group that answers all of the questions in Task 2 on page 21.
Once you are done, upload your text to campUAS with all group member names on it.
The upload platform is active only on 4 May, as this is the in-class assignment for 4 May. -
Fällig: Sonntag, 5. Mai 2024, 00:00
Fällig: Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024, 18:00
Fällig: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2024, 19:30
Break into groups. You are one of the investors at Dragons & Angels. Write an Email to a colleague who missed the presentations, proposing the business idea you would like ot invest in. Include these points:
1. Say why you want to invest in this particular venture.
2. Mention the background and expertise of the entrepenreur or management team.
3. Say how much money you have decided to invest and what kind of return on investment you expect.
4. Briefly describe D&A's role in the venture.
Once you are finished, upload your Email with all group member names on it. After you do this, you are finished for the day in Business English C1.
Fällig: Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2024, 19:00
Fällig: Dienstag, 11. Juni 2024, 18:00
Here you can sign-up for a day to give your Presentation for "Business English C1". Eight (8) days, 25.06, 02.07, 09.07, and 16.07 for Mr. Slawney (JS) and 27.06, 04.07, 11.07, and 18.07 for Mr. Hawthorne (BH) are available as days on which you can give a presentations during class time in class using the classroom technology in the classrooms. BH means Barry Hawthorne will hear the presentations, JS means James Slawney will hear the presentations. Please sign up for your own 15-Minute block on one of these dates and show up to the classroom on time and be prepared to start at that time. Presentations should be a development of one of the themes in the units we have done in Market Leader Advanced or about IT and/or business. There will be a question or two after each presentation, if possible. Minimum speaking time is 6 Minutes. There is an upload platform for student visuals as a convenient cloud storage solution for slides as opposed to sometimes malfunctioning commercial cloud storage solutions like DropBox, etc. Please take note that if you want to use your own laptop, you must test to see if it is compatible with the University beamer system before you attempt to use your own device.
Although each time slot is limited to one person, in the event that more than one person is signed to the same time slot, the person who is at the top of the list has possession of the time slot. The names underneath the top person must find another slot.
Geöffnet: Montag, 6. Mai 2024, 11:00Geschlossen: Freitag, 19. Juli 2024, 23:59
Geöffnet: Montag, 6. Mai 2024, 11:00
'Signpost language' refers to the words and phrases that tell your audience was has just happened and what is going to happen next. Such language is useful when guiding your listeners through your presentation.
Have a go at this quiz once you have looked at the collection of signpost language above.
Finished this section? Then check out this small task for you to do to check what you have learnt.
Group Work.
Below are four (1 - 4) different student presentations slide shows from past semesters. In-class students will be assigned to a group that discusses one of the PP slide shows from one former student group. Work in a group together to list out all of the strengths and weaknesses of these slide shows. After you construct a list of these strengths and weaknesses assign a grade (1,0 to 5,0) for the slide shows. Each group will present their results to the class after a discussion period of 45 minutes or so.