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Time needed for the signal to travel between the points considered

Denial of Service

Attack to a service, often by flooding it with queries

Device under test

Measure for the degree to which the radiation emitted of an antenna is concentrated in a single direction


Electrically weakly or non-conductive / isolating substance in which the existing charge carriers cannot move freely. A dielectric can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid. A field stays constant without any external charging.


Deflection of waves at an obstacle, can cause a wave to spread into areas that would be blocked straight trough the obstacle, e.g. bending around corners.

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication

Wireless standard that is very often used for landline phones

Dipole antenna

Rod antenna, may be built using a two-line conductor as feed which is bend open in 90° to each side to form the rod with feed in the middle. The total length of the dipole is normally one-half wavelength though other lengths are used in certain cases.

An ideal dipole is a combination of two opposite charges of the same magnitude having a very small distance between them.

Dirac pulse

Infinitely small pulse with infinite height, normed to an area of 1

Direct signal

Travels directly from ttransmitter to receiver

Direction Vector

Vector indication a certain direction; a vector is a geometric object that has magnitude or length and direction

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