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Amount of traffic that a network can handle at any given time

Carrier frequency

Frequency that is modulated by the information signal, usully used to transfer the signal in a certain frequency band

Carrier to Interference ratio

Total power of the carrier (intended transmit signal) divided by the total interference power


The resources are separated using different codes for different users for simultaneous use of the resource


Family of technologies for 3G mobile cellular communications for transmission of voice, data and signals


Geographical area which is serviced by one single base station or one sector of a base station

Cell Breathing

Dynamic expansion and contraction of the footprint of a CDMA cell, which is based on the number of users connected at any given moment, the cell size shrinks with more users, as they introduce more noise so that the SNR at the (former) cell edge sinks below the acceptable value

Cell site

Place where the base station and its equipment is located


Medium/path along which information in the form of an electrical or electro-magnetic signal passes

Channel coding

Coding to cope with noise and distortions on the channel, adds redundancy to check the correctness of the reception

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