Glossary for the complete course
Sie können das Glossar über das Suchfeld oder das Stichwortalphabet durchsuchen.
@ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Alle
B |
Base stationA
wireless station at a fixed position that works as a transceiver that provides
a connection between mobile devices and the communication network, point at which the backbone network
starts/ends | ||
Bearer ServicesServices that allow transmission of information signals between network interfaces | |
Best server areaArea where the corresponding transmitter leads to the best field strength compared to all other transmitters. In an infinite plane without obstacles these areas are hexagons leading to best packing density of the plane | |
BidirectionalLink or channel can be used in both directions | |
users | |
Bit errorOne
erroneous bit in a row | |
Bit Error RateRatio
of incorrectly transmitted bits compared to all transmitted bits | ||
Block codeCode
with code words of equal length | |
Broadcast Common Control ChannelGSM downlink channel containing information about the cell | ||