Enrolment options

>The time is now

We have all heard that the construction sector is responsible for 39% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted into the atmosphere and generates 30% of the solid waste and 20% of the water pollution. According to the analysis and data studies of Ing. Werner Sobek, if we add up the production of building materials, transport, construction, demolition and recycling; we have that the contribution of the construction industry (including civil engineering and transport) is 55%.

We, as architects, participate in this process. Our decisions have a direct impact on it.

How can we contribute to reduce the impact from the design point of view?

There are several strategies and actions from which to contribute to this goal. The world of construction is changing. We have non-polluting materials that do not waste resources, we know about projects that integrate renewable energy production, we have healthy buildings, which through passive measures reduce energy consumption to a strict minimum, while ensuring greater comfort

Self enrolment (Student/in)
Self enrolment (Student/in)